The Expo is one of the first comprehensive nationwide One-Stop supportive services fair of its kind.

The Family Services Expo helps thousands of homeless veterans and low-income citizens a broad range of necessities including food, clothing, medical, legal and mental health assistance, job counseling, housing support, family counseling, utility assistance, alcohol and drug treatment and referral, and most importantly, companionship and camaraderie.
It is a time for the community to connect with the homeless and low-income population and address this crisis that affects each and every town, city and state in this country. The hand up, not a handout philosophy is carried out through the work of hundreds of volunteers and organizations throughout the event.
AFC organized these services so that hundreds of caring volunteers and professionals will give of their time and expertise to address the unique needs of veterans and other low-income people in the America. Federal and local governments, veteran service organizations, homeless shelter programs, health care providers, and concerned citizens from local areas have joined forces to stage this event each year. AFC intends to use this approach to further expand services to homeless veterans in its upcoming “Salute Your Service-Stand Down” event yearly.